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disco works with leading publishers from around the world

40 Premium Titles
200 Standard Titles
200 Premium Titles
1,000 Standard Titles
1,000 Premium Titles
5,000 Standard Titles
Over 6,000 Titles
Archive access
API customisation
and more...
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6,000+ Content Sources
6,000+ Content Sources

Unlock a world of content publishing with disco products, featuring an unmatched aggregation of thousands of content sources, all accessible through a single, streamlined service.

6,000+ Content Sources
Fully Licensed, Ready to Use

Our expansive content library, one of the largest of its kind, empowers your organization with the diversity and depth of information needed to drive strategic insights and decisions, or to drive your content republishing needs.

6,000+ Content Sources
Automated, Self-serve platform

Customers can immediately purchase articles via pay-per-use or add full titles to their customised API feed, saving both time and effort.


Search and Filter

Use our self-serve dashboard to find relevant content sources


Add to your Feed

Save selected content sources to your personalized feed


Select a Plan

Select a plan that suits your requirements


Integrate the API key

Easily integrate the API key into your systems and get access to your desired content

Risk Insight
Risk Insight
Improve risk visibility and develop predictive modeling applications for better risk assessment
Market Signals
Market Signals
Uncover signals to identify trading and investment opportunities via emerging market trends
Market Expansion
Market Expansion
Identify new markets and customer segments for sales growth
Data Empowerment
Data Empowerment
Power data science, analytics. and research projects
Operational Excellence
Operational Excellence
Improve business operations, internal communications and workflow processes
Data Ingestion
Data Ingestion
Ingest training data for A.I. modeling or machine learning algorithms
Competitive Intelligence
Competitive Intelligence
Market intelligence with brand and competitive monitoring insights
Innovation Drive
Innovation Drive
Develop new product capabilities and innovations